[mch2022-deco] Request: wiki Template:DecoProject

polyfloyd floyd at polyfloyd.net
Sat Sep 7 16:02:06 CEST 2024


We at Team Deco are getting started and would like to use the Wiki as 
our authoritative project tracker. For this, we would like to use 
Semantic Mediawiki as we did in the years prior.

Could you please help us out by setting up:

* A Form for a new DecoProject with the properties;
   * Contact (a Wiki Page referencing an account)
   * A budget (number €€€)
   * A status (text with allowed values: idea, wip, blocked, help 
wanted, ready, abandoned)
   * An image
* A Template created by the Form
* A Category to query along with a list of all items on the Team:Deco 
main page

For reference, the MCH wiki had a similar setup: 

Hope you can help us!

- Roel / polyfloyd

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