[Family] Attending with kids [Ticket#42313]

Bjorn Wijers burobjorn at burobjorn.nl
Tue Feb 11 11:09:57 CET 2025


It really depends on the parents and their expectations.

Just sharing my own experiences

My eldest learned to walk at one of the previous camps and I've seen 
plenty of young kids & even babies being brought along with their 
parents to one of the various Dutch, German and Belgium hacker camps 
I've attended over the years.

Kind regards

On 11-02-2025 10:25, Arnout Engelen via Team:Info via Family wrote:
> Hi,
> Traditionally we've been very kids-friendly, but 9 months and 3,5yo 
> might be on the young side - I'm Cc'ing Team:Family as they might have 
> better insight in this! (looks like you already found 
> https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Family 
> <https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Family>)
> Best regards,
> -
> WHY2025 Team:Info

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