[Family] Ideas: programming toys & food

Ralf van Dooren ralfvd at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 13:24:43 CET 2025

Hi Carmen,

Not a member of the Team:Family "core team", but here's my experience
from last time:

Some attendees and I organised a pizza workshop
(https://wiki.mch2022.org/Team:Family/MozzarellaCrustHerbs) and this
was no issue.  If I recall correctly, as long as you don't sell food
(for profit) and don't pose any security hazards, it will be fine,
especially if you present it as a workshop.

We had the Italian Embassy people come over to give us the best
possible instructions on how to mix and knead the pizza dough. We've
managed fairly well with the Pizza workshop with 2 gas powered pizza
ovens, we've baked over 50 pizzas. The spots filled up pretty fast.
During baking, we shielded the ovens from the kids for safety.

A workshop where kids and parents can join in together is great fun.
Given enough kids and parents, you could even do a 'Fancy Restaurant'
(insert Bluey episode, hopefully with a better ending foodwise ;-) ) .
But smaller scale like blueberry pancakes in the morning with bacon
will also generate the "Wow, How Yummy!" response. Kids love to help
and they like food.

You'll have to think about logistics in terms of ingredients, keeping
them cool and how to bake/cook/heat .

So I would encourage you to create a project at the wiki:
https://wiki.why2025.org/Team:Family  and people can chime in.

Regards, Ralf

On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 5:22 PM Carmen Rietdijk
<carmen.rietdijk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I am Carmen (EsteVarda on the wiki). I attended MCH2022 together with my daughter (now 10y) and we had an amazing time! So we are very much looking forward to WHY 2025.
> --- Programming toys ---
> At MCH my daughter met people from the hackerspace Venlo who taught her to program a Micro:Bit, which was one of the highlights of her stay at MCH. We even bought a Micro:Bit afterwards :-) We also have a set of Lego Boost and a set of Lego Mindstorms.
> All these 'toys' are great for young nerds of different ages who love to tinker, engineer and program. If we could organise a workshop with one or more of these toys it would be awesome! Maybe we could contact hackerspaces to ask if they could help us organise it, and/or provide a few kits. What do you think?
> I'd be happy to reach out to the hackerspaces, but I do not know anyone at any hackerspace personally.
> --- Food ---
> Another highlight for my daughter was some delicious food: fresh stroopwafels and fresh pancakes. Maybe some parents can organise a cooking workshop to bake delicious treats. Or another idea is to create a campfire and bake bread on sticks and roast marshmellows. Would this be achievable vis-a-vis safety?
> I'd be happy to take the lead, but I do not have contact information of parents.
> Kind regards,
> Carmen / EsteVarda
> --
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