[MCH Team:Info] FOSDEM stand to promote WHY2025 / badge.team

boekenwuurm boekenwuurm at ifcat.org
Thu Nov 7 16:14:29 CET 2024

Looks good! 

I would remove the 'similar camps' line, the emoji there distract from the main message :)
and repeat the date with the 'Geestmerambacht' line.

thank you for setting this up!

Van: Andriy Utkin via Info <info at lists.why2025.org> 
verzonden: donderdag 7 november 2024 14:53 
Aan: Boekenwuurm 
Cc: nancy at why2025.org; info at lists.why2025.org
Onderwerp: Re: [MCH Team:Info] FOSDEM stand to promote WHY2025 / badge.team

On Thu, Nov 07, 2024 at 01:37:49PM +0100, Boekenwuurm wrote: 
> Hi Andriny, 
> We want to have a stand there. Are stands at fosdem big enough for WHY, 
> the why badge and the (s) in badges? 
> If not, I think two stands next to each other would be lovely. If you 
> need a contact person, you can put me down there. 

Hi Boekenwuurm! 

Good timing, let's figure this out by midnight. 

The announcement says 
"One table (180x80cm) with a set of chairs and a power socket" 

For badges, we may end up with a very small collection of items on 
display (3 perhaps?) so not much space is needed. 

I guess that could be enough for both, unless you have an elaborate 
collection of artifacts. 

If I had to promote a camp event in this setting, I guess I'd put on a 
screen with a slideshow or short clips. 

I'm interested in a joint application for the following reasons: 

- Joint applications are favoured by FOSDEM orga. 
- We want to show the badges, somebody would have to send those to me, 
  but on your side somebody might agree just to bring their badges. 
- Guaranteed to be at the same spot, straightforward to give each other 
  a bit of time off while keeping an eye on the belongings. 

Here is my draft application: 

Please let me know what you think. 
By default I will submit my application in the evening. 
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