[Merch] Merch for the shop opening

jeroen at ifcat.org jeroen at ifcat.org
Mon Nov 4 10:16:04 CET 2024


We discussed this in PL in our last meeting, it is a wish to open the shop earlier, but a lot of work would have to be done in a shorter period of time.

I do not see the sysadmin-team move very fast on the required access to the shop, I am in direct contact with Martin Gross and he just has normal user access.
He needs Admin access wich he does not have to start setting up the payment systems etc. and for debugging.

We have always done the merchandizing items in the shop ourselves for the past 3 editions, so I am expecting to do these ourselves as well this time again.
We are still deciding on the items and designing and opening the shop 4 weeks earlier will make it difficult to have the exact pricing.

We want to do the merch ourselves as there are several quota changes for all individual items + each size of each item along the sales process.

I have requested the invoice for the wristbands, and if Boekenwuurm shares the details of the CCC supplier we can ask them as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: thomascovenant <why2025 at thomascovenant.org> 
Sent: vrijdag 1 november 2024 22:18
To: rowan8k <hack at rowan8k.nl>
Cc: merch <merch at lists.why2025.org>; Jeroen van Veen <jeroen at ifcat.org>
Subject: Re: [Merch] Merch for the shop opening

Hi Rowan and others,

we had a meeting with the ticket team, Henry and boekenwuurm this evening. It was decided that there should be a merch option already available when buying a ticket, otherwise it will significantly lower the sales.

We aim at opening the shop on December 1st (ahem *aim* at :-), what merch can we add and for what price?

> - What wristband types you need? (how many different colors) 
> - How many of each you need?
Min 3500 in total, but we do not have subgroup estimate for why or even amounts from MCH any more... It is better for you to ask PL directly (perhaps Henry, he still has copy of the invoices from the last time).

Boekenwuurm would also like to see a quote for the wristbands from the place ccc uses to see which option is more affordable.  

Kind regards,

On Mon, 28 Oct 2024 08:09:11 +0000, rowan8k <hack at rowan8k.nl> wrote:

> Hi Thomas! 
> We are currently aiming to be ready for the merch shop to open mid-december. 
> However, we will probably put everything in place and open the shop ourselves, as we have done with previous camps as well. 
> So please don't wait for us with opening the ticket shop, that can be done a bit later than tickets. 
> We can do the wristband design and order them, could you please let me know:
> - What wristband types you need? (how many different colors) 
> - How many of each you need? 
> Best,
> Rowan
> On Monday, October 21st, 2024 at 19:52, thomascovenant <why2025 at thomascovenant.org> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Team Merch,
> > 
> > - we would like to include all the merch options when the ticket shop opens. Will this work for you? In this case we need all options and prices. Do you already have this information?
> > 
> > - it is undecided if the shop opens in December or as soon as it is possible (sooner). We will know within couple of weeks.
> > 
> > - will you also be ordering wristbands/doing the wristband design?
> > 
> > - check out the list of merch team members on the wiki in dark mode :-)
> > 
> > Warm greetings from team Ticket.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > thomas
> > 
> > * * *
> > 
> > Friendly geek in Amsterdam
> > 
> > https://wiki.techinc.nl/index.php/User:Thomascovenant
> > --
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> > Merch at lists.why2025.org
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