[sha2017-orga] important service notification regarding team waste

Sebastian Oort bas at knutselaar.net
Sun Aug 6 03:22:38 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

to clear up confusion:

Team Waste (run by Sebastius, Pwuts, Maeddoc) is responsible for

Waste removal on
- Camping areas on both sides of the dyke
- Content Tents (No, Pa, Re, Pi, Tau, Workshops, FamVil, CTF, etc)
- Main roads
- Silent Lounge
- Badge Bar

Team Waste is NOT responsible for:

Waste removal in/around main bar, lounge, foodcourt.

Those area's are managed by the angels directed by team Bar, Lounge and
Foodcourt. Simply because we're unable to handle it. The waste removal of
the previously mentioned camping areas alone take well over 3 hours, not
counting the press cycles, the malfunctions and other mishaps.

This was agreed upon months ago (and the agreement was confirmed every day
over the past few days), so we're surprised this is not being handled

We've done 4 hours of waste removal yesterday and we think that is enough.

If the foodcourt is overflowing, either fix it yourself or get angels to
empty the bins as was agreed upon. We simply cannot.

Also we are not taking care of (or know anything about) toilets, clogged
toilets, smelly toilets, no toilet paper etc. (yes we had those calls

Please provide your teammates, angels and heralds with this info and act
upon it.

We're getting a lot of calls regarding the foodcourt area during our
leisure time. Please fix this so your dedicated waste team (we're still
having fun!) can also enjoy some of the event.

Finally, for those thinking that there aren't enough bins at $location:
have you ever visited a 'normal' camping? Walking distances of 100 to 500m
to dispose of waste is really the standard and we are well below those
figures (50m). There are 190 bins for waste on the field and in/around
tents. Twice the amount that was at OHM. Check waste.sha2017.org for their

We're amazed at how much waste the hacking community produces, might even
be a nice theme for the next 'H' camp in four years. Today we hauled 3 very
full trailers filled with trash. Insane, since that even excludes the

Thanks, stay sane and stay safe. We love you!

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