[sha2017-orga] Teardown Sysadmin

Matthew Frost m.frost at mattronix.nl
Fri Aug 11 10:40:53 CEST 2017

Hello Everyone,

Let me start by saying thank you for the great work with the teardown and making the event possible everyone! 

For team sysadmin our work has just begun with tearing down the logical infrastructure that runs the SHA Organisation and to do this we need your help! 

Could all teams give us a list of the following:

What data you would like back (regarding it is not sensitive or too personal)
What applications you still need and till when?
If you need your application or if it can be permanently archived.  
Personal mailboxes on sha2017.org will start to be disabled in a month we need a list of people who need access still. 

The planning is we will scale down the Datacenter Infrastructure at the end of the month from 3 servers to a single server due to our sponsorship at Bit B.V ending (small shout out to Bit for the help and great service they gave) 

All infrastructure as you know it today will run till the end of the month so you can still you most till then but I would not recommend adding anything new. 

 From Team Sysadmin it has been lovely working with you all (support via sysadmin at sha2017.org is still open for questions and requests till the infrastructure has been torn down)
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