[sha2017-orga] Gratis meuk voor Nederlandse hackerspaces

Daan Uttien djuttien at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 14:43:19 CEST 2017

Techinc would love a stack of 'broken' badgers to fix and play and donate :)


Op 12 aug. 2017 2:34 p.m. schreef "Sebastian Oort" <bas at knutselaar.net>:

> To add to this list:
> we have a bunch of badge boards left over which have minor or major
> failures.
> Minor would include reflowing a chip. Major would include broken or
> missing parts. A bunch have a broken trace in the TX line between the USB
> serial and the ESP32 due to our rework. Most of them have the gorgeous
> e-ink displays.
> If you can adhere to the following conditions, your hackerspace may
> receive a bunch of these boards.
> - No support given, you're on your own fixing these.
> - For space-projects only. Work on it AT your hackerspace, when your
> project is done you can take it home. No hoarding or 'leuk voor thuis'.
> - Scavenging boards for parts is okay. (ESP32 with 16megabyte, touch ic,
> usb serial, charge circuit, eink driver, eink display)
> - Not for sale! Any of it.
> - Package deal, take it all or leave it.
> - If you're unsure wether your hackerspace will actually use these boards,
> don't request them and let others have fun.
> A package might include extra batteries, lanyards or displays but no
> guarantees. There are mandatory stickers included ;)
> So add badge boards to your request if you want. Lets make 2.4ghz popular
> again!
> Sebastius
> 2017-08-12 13:49 GMT+02:00 Juerd Waalboer <juerd at tnx.nl>:
>> Note: action required to participate.
>> Hi,
>> SHA2017 was a huge success. We had great volunteers, great food, and
>> great tools. Some tools were rented, most were bought. And now they're
>> going to be donated to the Dutch hackerspaces that have contributed
>> resources or people to SHA2017.
>> Please understand that the decision has already been made, and the idea
>> of donating things to Dutch hackerspaces is not up for debate.
>> Storing everything for 4 years was ruled out, alternatives were
>> considered, sheds were biked.
>> I was appointed BOFH of this operation, and I want to distribute the SHA
>> resources as fairly as I can, according to agreements I made with the
>> treasurer. There are a few dozen boxes, and I intend to have most of it
>> gone by the end of this month.
>> To answer the most FAQ: no, there is no list of things. Let's
>> cherry-pick first. Those who have been to SHA2017 will probably have
>> seen things at the Infodesk, LHQ, or Badge Bar, that they think would be
>> nice addicions to their hackerspaces.
>> The second most FAQ is about deco stuff, including fluorescent tubes. We
>> don't have those.
>> So... if you represent a Dutch hackerspace, please send me an email, in
>> which you answer the following questions:
>>     1. Which hackerspace?
>>     2. Do you wish to participate in this give-away? Note: someone will
>>        have to pick things up at RevSpace; no shipping.
>>     3. What kinds of things would really help your space? E.g. did you
>>        just run out of toner and would you like a replacement printer?
>>        Are you running low on cleaning supplies? Does someone always eat
>>        all the permanent markers?
>>     4. What kinds of things would you really hate to receive? E.g. do
>>        you already have 3 printers and no space for 4th one? Are you
>>        allergic to cleaning? Are permanent markers banned since the
>>        incident?
>>     5. Will you happily accept your gifts, without complaining or
>>        jealousy? :)
>> Please answer before next Tuesday!
>> A lot of things (such as brooms, axes, traffic cones) were already
>> donated to scouting, or trashed. You might not get what you ask for, but
>> I will at least try.
>> Over de uitslag kan niet worden gecorrespondeerd. Nou ja, het kan wel,
>> maar het heeft geen zin :-)
>> --
>> Met vriendelijke groet, // Kind regards, // Korajn salutojn,
>> Juerd Waalboer  <juerd at tnx.nl>
>> TNX
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