[sha2017-orga] Teardown Sysadmin

DWizzy DWizzy at sha2017.org
Mon Aug 14 16:45:41 CEST 2017


I'm looking into possible adoption of the wikis by my employer,
www.xl-knowledge.com. We run a few dozen semantic mediawiki instances

But a cached copy would do most tricks as well.

Love, DWizzy

On 13-8-2017 0:52, Stef Louwers wrote:
> Hey,
> Please keep the website and both wikis (readonly) online for at least
> the next 5 years, preferably longer. Old festival wiki's are fun to
> browse and a good source of ideas and inspiration for next events.
> Other than that, Team:Family Village doesn't have any running applications.
> Regards,
> Stef Louwers // fhp
> On 08/11/2017 10:40 AM, Matthew Frost wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Let me start by saying thank you for the great work with the teardown
>> and making the event possible everyone! 
>> For team sysadmin our work has just begun with tearing down the
>> logical infrastructure that runs the SHA Organisation and to do this
>> we need your help! 
>> Could all teams give us a list of the following:
>>   * What data you would like back (regarding it is not sensitive or
>>     too personal)
>>   * What applications you still need and till when?
>>   * If you need your application or if it can be permanently archived.  
>>   * Personal mailboxes on sha2017.org <http://sha2017.org> will start
>>     to be disabled in a month we need a list of people who need access
>>     still. 
>> The planning is we will scale down the Datacenter Infrastructure at
>> the end of the month from 3 servers to a single server due to our
>> sponsorship at Bit B.V ending (small shout out to Bit for the help and
>> great service they gave) 
>> All infrastructure as you know it today will run till the end of the
>> month so you can still you most till then but I would not recommend
>> adding anything new. 
>>  From Team Sysadmin it has been lovely working with you all (support
>> via sysadmin at sha2017.org <mailto:sysadmin at sha2017.org> is still open
>> for questions and requests till the infrastructure has been torn down)
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