[sha2017-orga] 34c3 vouchers

Julius ter Pelkwijk pelkwijk at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 19:10:12 CEST 2017

Hi Thomas,

I know from IRC that stitch has one for SHA volunteers, and he said they
went out pretty quickly. Have you asked him already?



On do 24 aug. 2017 18:43 thomascovenant <thomascovenant at sha2017.org> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> it might be possible to have some limited vouchers for SHA orga - I have
> asked about it, and
> we will have a response soon.
> If SHA gets vouchers, I want to see an open and transparent system of
> passing them along as they replicate,
> such as wiki list (works in our hackerspace).  Open and transparent system
> works4me. :)
> Many of us are involved with hackerspaces etc = groups that got
> replicating vouchers, many of
> us are volunteers (I am lucky to be both). There are quite some new people
> in the orga though,
> I hope you stay involved - if you liked SHA, you will love congress/camps.
> Go for it o/
> If you don't have a voucher already, I hope this will happen and you will
> come to 34C3 <3
> Solidarity,
> thomascovenant
> Random person on IRC :)
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