[sha2017-orga] Booklet feedback request, BEFORE wednesday 20:00

Manduca manduca at sha2017.org
Tue Jul 11 21:16:01 CEST 2017

Great looking booklet.

Never mind the typos (I'll assume they are covered now).

Page 7: Safety: is more about "in case of emergency" then safety.
With regard to safety (and based on OHM experience) I would like to see 
something like the following in the booklet: "To make this event 
possible, forklifts will drive around the terrain, especially during 
build-up and break-down but also during the event itself. Forklifts and 
their load can severely harm you or worse. Do not pass a forklift 
without the consent of the driver and stand way clear of a forklift in 
Other safety warnings could be about swimming (I'll assume there is no 
supervision or lifeguard) and about keeping control of your kids during 
build-up and break-down, and near water in general.

Page 9: Drones: Point to (a wiki page about) the dutch rules regarding 
drones. Also not that the terrain is below the Amsterdam TMA1 zone 
(where the big boys fly), is nearby the largest general aviation field 
in the Netherlands and close to a low flying practice area (planes as 
low is 100ft/30m). The nearby bridge and the Nuldernauw are very 
frequently used visual markers, resulting in lots of traffic as low as 
500ft/150m. Policy traffic and rescue helicopters can be expected at ANY 
height. Don't fly close to the limit of the rules, and certainly do not 
cross them. The margins are limited.
Also note that selling footage made with drones or using them for 
commercial purposes (even at hindsight) is illegal in the Netherlands, 
unless you have a commercial permit and drone license and can result in 
serious penalties.
(again, don't put all this in the booklet, but point to a wiki page with 
this information.)

Page 13: not everything on the map is explained in the legend. Certain 
area's that are not open to the public (like the logistcs storage domain 
and the roads toward it) are marked as "event terrain". It think it's 
better to clearly show these area's as no access. People will likely use 
this map to navigate during the event.
The entrance is not marked on the map. The parking sign should have an 
arrow pointing in the direction of the parking lot, as it now suggests 
that there is a parking lot at the location of the sign itself.

I find the sequence of the last pages (after the map) strange. It works 
to a closing (sponsers, post sha, and more events) and then jumps back 
to the event with allegaartje and the program, to close again with a 
clean up your mess page.

Did I already say it is a great looking booklet?


On 11/07/2017 13:20, Elger Jonker wrote:
> Ohai,
> Below is a link to the booklet.
> As we expect lots of feedback, please share feedback in a brief, bulleted list with page number per item. That way we can process it sequentially and be reasonably sure all items have been handled. <blink> Do this before Wednesday evening 20:00. </blink>
> Do note that the ordering of pages and the Table of Contents will be updated at the last possible moment.
> If you have images to share for the booklet, they are very welcome.
> Current draft:
> https://5717.ch/SHA2017/Booklet%20SHA%2011%20july.pdf
> Regards,
> Elger / Stitch
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