[sha2017-orga] More volunteer recruitment?

Mathijs Schmittmann info at mathijs.info
Thu Jul 27 20:39:25 CEST 2017

Hi all,

On 27-07-17 18:43, DWizzy wrote:

> We announced it in a plethora of ways, but first rule of UX: users are
> stupid.
> I suggest we add a button for volunteering on the main page of
> sha2017.org, linking to a simple page explaining what it means to
> volunteer again.
Couldn't have said it better :) And indeed like Attilla said we already
have almost 500 people in the angelsystem, our expectation was/is that
most will actually register and start signing up for stuff once they
arrive. There will always be questions, especially with a group of >3000
people, no matter how well you prepare or announce things.

@DWizzy: If you need any more information to put this on our frontpage
let me know, but a simple 'Don't forget to volunteer!' and a large
angelsystem link/button would work for me, maybe with a link to

> I'll be sending out a newsletter tonight (but to a limited list). I
> believe well be sending a general mail to the visitors in a few days (ie
> to all in the ticketsystem) and distribute booklets. They'll all refer
> to the angelsystem.
> Love, DWizzy
> On 27-7-2017 18:24, Attilla de Groot wrote:
>> The angelsystem can be found here: https://angel.sha2017.org/
>> This has been announces in multiple blog posts, social media and an e-mail that was sent to all people that bought a ticket. Given that there are 400+ angels registered, it wasn’t that hard to find.
>> — Attilla
>>> On 27 Jul 2017, at 18:16, Claudia Borges <claudia.borges at xs4all.nl> wrote:
>>>  as member of the content team and someone that received many e-mails from ppl wanting to volunteer and couldnt find the angel system, I totally second that
>>> Claudia
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