[sha2017-orga] Reminder: SHA badge sweatshop today!

Walter van Holst walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl
Sat Jul 29 13:40:58 CEST 2017

On 29/07/2017 09:24, Sebastian Oort wrote:
> Hi everyone, just a quick reminder: Today we be badge-sweatshoppin'
> https://orga.sha2017.org/index.php/Projects:Badge/Sweatshop
> <https://orga.sha2017.org/index.php/Projects:Badge/Sweatshop>
> We need a handful more volunteers to help out to get enough badges ready
> for the event! Please help out if you're able!
> Revspace, the Hague, Overgoo 1 (garage door on the parking lot)
> At the moment we've only got 1600 badges ready. We need to make 2000 more.
> It's a lot of fun, there's drinks and food. Please join! Shoot me an
> email if you can attend!

As someone who isn't to be trusted with scalpels and/or soldering irons,
would it make sense to show up in the evening to help with packing?



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