[sha2017-orga] An uncomfortable issue ...

Nick Farr nick at nickfarr.org
Tue Jun 6 00:50:10 CEST 2017

Think of it this way:

Places where you go to party, where you go to socialize, where you go have
drinks and fun will often have a "Banned Persons List".

Almost no pub, bar, restaurant or club will publicly tweet out about people
who are banned from their establishment. It generates bad publicity and bad
feelings. There's nothing to be gained from it. When friends of those
banned try to make an issue of it on Social Media, wise establishments do
not engage.

Yet, those who have been banned are well known to the employees of those
establishments. Every one I've seen has a board in the back by the staff
schedule with pictures of those persons. Accordingly, those persons on the
banned list are consistently refused entry because of their past bad
behavior (whether or not it rose to the level of a crime.)

Frankly, we have way, way, way too much to do collectively to burn too much
time on this matter. I trust the PL and the people who run the TicketShop
to figure out this banned persons list, get this information to the right
group of trusted people at the gate and leave it at that.

Having known him for >15 years at this point, and having been one of those
people who walked away (at the time) quietly because of his bad behavior,
the thing Jake wants most is attention. Let's not give it to him.

Nick Farr
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On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 5:11 PM, Patrice Riemens <patrice at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Aloha,
> Cf: https://medium.com/@squeed/jacob-appelbaums-may-9th-visit-
> to-stammtisch-2c0c4f372af0
> esp:
> "But shouldn’t a hacker / activist community should be inclusive?
> Exclusion is bad!
> It is important to understand that when you choose to include absolutely
> everyone, you are also choosing to exclude others. For example, if Jacob is
> welcome at, say, SHA, many people will not feel physically safe, and will
> not be able to attend. The organizers of every space, every community,
> every event must decide one way or another."
> So, is there any position being already discussed for this rerun of 'The
> Return of the Mommy'?
> Not very much to Cheer about, I'm afraid.
> p+2D!
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