[sha2017-orga] Thank you!

Attilla de Groot attilla at sha2017.org
Fri Jun 23 08:13:00 CEST 2017

Hi All,

The past few months all the teams have been working very hard to make SHA2017 a great event for everyone. If I would list the things that have been done, you would be reading for the next hour, so I won’t  bother you with that. Of course there is still a lot to do (at least my personal todo list is endless ;-)), however all this work will result in a more awesome event.

Since we’re all doing this voluntarily, I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU for the effort and work that every single person is putting in the event! 

— Attilla

p.s the orga meet tomorrow: https://orga.sha2017.org/index.php/SHA2017_orga_meeting_20170624

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