[sha2017-orga] Guard yourself from overcommitting!
Sebastian Oort
bas at knutselaar.net
Tue Jun 27 11:56:43 CEST 2017
For me: i'm doing a lot but i'm also okay. Work is winding down (summer
holiday) and i'm having a lot of fun to prep for SHA. I think thats the
most important bit: to actually have fun doing this.
Also i'm eased by the thought that i'm nowhere a single-point-of-failure:
waste is well planned, well documented and i have two teammembers who can
take over at a moments notice.
For the badge my main 'job' (getting all the easy bits so Kartoffel can do
the hard work of getting the boards produced) is also nearly at a close, i
need to send out one more 'big' order and then it's done. For the rest i'm
just wasting my time making glamourshots of the badge with the
ticketcounter for the twitter.
I'm also at ease because i read a lot and talk to a lot of people. I stick
my nose in wiki's, pads and irc. Not to be a stuck up know-it-all, but to
learn and to help. I feel the essentials are well covered and that calms my
mind. We're on the home stretch and we're in for an awesome event and camp!
I plan to do a lot of swimming besides the manual labour of hauling waste
to unwind.
So if you are stressed: find something physical to do. Work out, swim, haul
trash, paint a bikeshed instead of discussing the color. Get stuff done and
like Stitch said: keep it real and realistic. By the way: that also
includes keeping your teammembers and angels intact and happy.
Communication, talking about expectations and boundaries are key. If you
need help with this, talk to people.
thanks for the ride so far everyone, this will be an incredible experience!
2017-06-27 11:08 GMT+02:00 Maikel van Leeuwen <maikel at contrast.network>:
> Hey,
> To decompress I'm planning daily bike rides in the early mornings or in
> the evenings, poke me if you feel like joining, but.... You want to have
> a racebike and not your typical Amsterdam old bike or expat folding bike.
> o/
> Maikel
> On 06/27/2017 11:02 AM, Elger Jonker wrote:
> > Hai orga,
> >
> > Some names pop up at too many places, raising unrealistic expectations
> of presence and availability. This can only go wrong.
> >
> > Guard yourself from overcommitting!
> >
> > Please factor yourself into the equation: everyone needs time for
> themselves to relax and restore sanity. What is the worth of an event if
> you cannot enjoy it?
> >
> > Please consider:
> > - plan free time before and during the event
> > - prioritize your tasks
> > - keep it to one team
> > - hand over or drop certain tasks
> > - if certain tasks cannot be handed over/dropped: share this with the
> orga / PL
> > - when needed: ask someone to keep an eye on you
> >
> > Regards,
> > Elger / Stitch
> > +31 6 1342 5622
> >
> >
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