[mch2021-orga] Changing mailserver

Piele (SHA2017:Sysadmin) piele at sha2017.org
Sun Aug 16 06:27:00 CEST 2020

Migration is completed.

So this mail is a sort of final check for me if it works.

Again, if there are issues, contact me.


On 8/15/20 8:20 PM, Piele (SHA2017:Sysadmin) wrote:
> Hello all,
> This night we're changing to another mailserver.
> Hopefully this will help in reducing the amount of messages that end up in peoples' spamboxes (gmail) and fix some other small issues with the email.
> For the persons that have an ifcat / mch2021 emailaccount;
> Once you notice you cannot connect to the mailserver anymore, please change your mailserver settings from ifcat.ifcat.org to mail.ifcat.org.
> I will update some instructions on the Team:Sysadmin wiki page (https://wiki.ifcat.org/Team:Sysadmin) and in case of problems you can mail sysadmin at mch2021.org or poke me on IRC #mch2021-sysadmin.
> Piele
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