[mch2021-orga] Mumble meeting minutes 2020-08-17

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Mon Aug 17 20:54:18 CEST 2020

Hi all,

The minutes are on the wiki, and below!
See you on the field day or soon. :)

Elger / Stitch

= minutes =
Previous: https://pad.ifcat.org/p/mumble20200805
Wiki: https://wiki.ifcat.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Meeting-2020-08-17

== sponsor progress ==
Update by Attilla
In april no reachout because of Corona.
Mails to previous sponsors where done. There are two interested.
There will be a wiki page with a sponsor document.
The idea is we hope everyone can reach out to potential sponsors.

Question: should we request for sponsors via social media
Answer: Various answers. 
- Amongst: this might work with warm contacts, otherwise might sound like a cashgrab.
- Raising awareness works, don't ask contacts publicly over social media
- Asking specific organizations/people in public over social media might not work

Action: Attilla will share the wiki page over mail, next week. There *might* be some hardcopies on the field, bit tje PDF is already on the wiki anyway ;) 

== Presale tickets/(coupons)vouchers ==
Update by Attilla
No, not vouchers", but partial ticket payments. For example 40 euro. So there is more time to save up for it. And it's clear how many people will attend the event. Will help with estimates.

There are enough cash reserves till ticket sales will open.

Question: what is holding us back from selling tickets today?
Answer: technically we can open the ticket shop. We don't have the ticket price yet. There are some large unknowns.

Remark: it shows early commitment, creates a bit of buzz.

Question: will there be ccc-style vouchers, so you're in front of the queue (will we sell out)
Answer: We don't know, that's why this subject is on the agenda.

Question: What do we do when "2021" has to be cancelled
Answer: We have set go/no-go moments, around the time we want to open the shop, near december. With low ticket sales there is another go/no-go moment. In case we have to cancel very close to the event, we'll have a number of protections in contracts. And there are of course like money back to people who bought a ticket.

Someone summarizes: administrative effort versus knowing commitment.

Conclusion: we can try it out. Run till december.

== CfP update ==
Update by Walter
CfP is online:

Request for communication. Info team will do that asap. Hackaday will do a writeup.
Looking around to pet speeker and other great speakers.

== Timeline update ==
By Boekenwuurm
General timeline we're on track. We don't have a detailed indication per team.


== Design update ==
Update by Boekenwuurm

In touch with designers, promised stuff last weekend.
We hope to have this before the field day. Stitch can print until friday afternoon for the field day.

== Field Day ==
Update by Stitch

75 signups for bbq, some could not come
80 bbq placed ordered, come later: ok, arrange food yourself

Corona setup:
   large tents, special table setup, kitchenette (running water closeby), cleaning alchol, profi chef, chalkspray on the grass for distance

12:00 Arival & Put up your tent
14:00 Orga Meeting, will be recorded / streamed
16:00 Scout the Terrain
18:00 BBQ and socializing

- Presentation program (14:00 - 16:00)
	• * Stitch; we gaan aan de slag, bijzondere dag op het terrein, kijken uit naar volgend jaar, timeline
	• * Team Content ; call for papers, status and ideas
	• * nino; 'if you can read this you are too close' - dealing with corona @ MCH 2021 / predicting the weather for 2021 / what to expect
	• * other teams with cool ideas and requests just [add here]

Who will be there on Friday evening to help with setting up the tents. Tents will be there at ± 19:00 - 20:00 on friday.

Public transport: Rent a bicycle from nijkerk is the option. But better to ask on the orga list for a ride (and put it on the wiki).

==Badge mini update==
Update by Sebastius

* Early prototype design begun
* Begun the search for component sponsors, Espressif is on board, probably (need to work out details)!

== Music ==
Update by Chrisha

Things are progressing :)

DONE @ 20:45

> On Aug 17, 2020, at 16:26, Arnout Engelen <shaorga at bzzt.net> wrote:
> Hello Hackers,
> Tonight there will be another Orga meeting at 20:00 (Europe/Amsterdam
> time) on Mumble!
> See https://wiki.ifcat.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Meeting-2020-08-17 for
> information on how to join. You'll also find the minutes of the last
> meeting linked there.
> Kind regards,
> Arnout / Team:Info
> Would YOU like to create the MCH2021 physical booklet, handed out to
> all participants?
> Check out https://wiki.ifcat.org/Team:Info for that awesome Team:Info
> vacancy and more! :D
> _______________________________________________
> Orga mailing list
> Orga at lists.mch2021.org
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