[mch2021-orga] Minutes Orga mumble 23 december 2020

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Wed Dec 23 20:30:41 CET 2020

Last orga mumble of the year

Present: boekenwuurm, knorrie, knomei, leandra, loppermann, lumi, moem, mr seeker, peterder, redlizard, stirling, stitch, straw, twi, xesxen

= Subjects =

== Update Ticketsales ==
Ticket sales started, in 24 hours 500+ tickets where sold. It's a quicker start than SHA2017. Don't have numbers of the last two days, but it's looking promising.

== Update avonturenhuis ==
This will not be finished in time. 

Teams have to think about being in a tent on the terrain: how big does that need to be, including distancing rules.

== Update design ==
There is a new design: on the site, wiki, ticket sales, CfP
There is a generative design, you can use it on: https://mch2021.org/design/

Feedback until now has been positive. Every team and every village can make their own personalized design, wallpapers etc.
Thanks to Bleeptrack, stitch

There will be a blogpost about it soonish™

Deco: we're fitting in our ideas and we're starting. We can make this work. We like it.

== Team updates ==

=== Terrain ===
We've collected remarks ideas from all of the teams, including all the ones that make bigger differences.
After the meeting i'm going to make drafts to present on the 16th of January at the orga meet.

== Other things ==

Don't forget to join RC3: https://events.ccc.de

Have a nice holliday! Stay safe!

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