[mch2021-orga] For the sake of avoiding namespace collisions
Jeroen de Meijer
manduca at freedom.nl
Tue Jul 7 14:17:04 CEST 2020
I would be pretty happy with this scheme. As logistics we really don’t care about names and pictures. We want easy to remember logic!
And a naming scheme that goes from A to Z complies to that rule (we’ll just ignore all the superfluous letters and emoticons).
If the letters are also logically placed on the map, I’m a happy camper (and forkliftdriver).
> On 6 Jul 2020, at 14:26, Walter van Holst <walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> On 06-07-2020 12:45, Andreas Sikkema wrote:
>> On the production side of the event there are IMHO three "major"
>> platforms that are/can/will be impacted by this:
>> - Productiehuis for streams/recordings (C3VOC pipeline) (where's the
>> stream/recording)
>> - Volunteering (where's my shift)
>> - Content (Frab/?) (where's this talk)
> Content is going to use Pretalx and it seems to work there.
>> For C3VOC this needs to be tested, but since room names often have
>> names that are nowadays represented using UTF8 this shouldn't be a
>> problem or can probably be fixed. This is going to be tested soon.
> Looking forward to hearing back from you.
>> On the bikeshedding side of things, which Emoji implementation (aka
>> which glyphs) are we going to declare canonical?
> To quote a Great Chairman (not Stitch): let a thousand flowers bloom.
> Personally I am very fond of the glyphs used here
> https://i.imgur.com/7tQl2Oh.jpg
> But that said, I think that is a decision for whoever gets to make the
> overall design for MCH2021. It is a rendering issue that is not the
> Content team's call to make.
> Regards,
> Walter
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