[mch2021-orga] MCH2021 Designs

Robin Edgar robinedgar at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 15:49:11 CEST 2020

What a shame to hear that!

Stay safe Claudia and thanks for the effort

On Sat, 30 May 2020 at 11:43, Claudia.Borges <claudia.borges at xs4all.nl>

> Hi all,
> As many of you know,  for quite some time I was organising to make the
> designers of MCH2021 together with the Willem de Kooning Academy. It would
> be a project of 4 months with a group of students and 4 mentors.  The
> project was about making a concept that would allow to unfold  /be
> re-assembled in diverse ways to identify all elements of the camp +
> deliverables ( promotion of the event. We think of identity (logo), UI for
> our website + the other integrated software, presentation templates for
> talks, light board for the stage, etc / T-Shirts /. (clothing and festival
> merchandise, entree armband, etc ) and Communication assets ( for instance,
> announcements, bulletins, flyers, stickers).
> This project is called off and all the pages on the wiki related with this
> will be deleted. If you see something related with visuals and my name on
> it, pls delete, it is outdated.
> Stay safe, stay well, many suns
> Cheers,
> Claudia
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