[mch2021-orga] sustainability in the camp

Julius julius at ifcat.org
Tue Jun 9 19:37:14 CEST 2020

To be honest, sometimes I think we are a bit spoiled with 32A 
electricity + 100Gb networks on our camp, not many camp as luxurious as 
us. But storing energy? Well, can always pump water from the pool and 
store it in a large container somewhere high?

On 9-6-2020 19:31, Claudia.Borges wrote:
> Would it be an idea to ask ppl in the camp to come up with ways to 
> store power or is this too far tetched?
> Julius schreef op 2020-06-09 18:55:
>> Hi Oscar,
>> The altpwr team had some solar panels on the field, however the issue 
>> here is that when there is no sun, there is no power... And 
>> especially with these powerhungry hackers they will drain the 
>> batteries rather quickly. Also consider the environmental issues you 
>> have when a battery starts leaking or gets left behind? Best 
>> alternative would be mains power, less mess.
>> Julius
>> On 8-6-2020 20:59, Oscar Koeroo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Are the power 'battery' packs with solar cells being looked at as options? These are quite large capacity units and have a zero emission output (on the field).
>>> Oscar Koeroo
>>>> On 8 Jun 2020, at 15:25, Elger Jonker <elger at ifcat.org 
>>>> <mailto:elger at ifcat.org>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Claudia,
>>>> Great stuff!
>>>> Making a greener event is always a good thing and summary like this is really helpful. Note that from a PL perspective we'd opt all teams to consider green(er) options and see if those feasible given difficulty, budget, availability etc.
>>>> Not in the list:
>>>> The biggest pollutant, power generators, is being investigated by Benadski. There are serious (legal, organizationals) hurdles to take, but the goal is to use mains power instead.
>>>> Using electric golf carts instead of diesel gators.
>>>> I personally like the information bit.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Elger / Stitch
>>>>> On Jun 8, 2020, at 14:51, Claudia.Borges <claudia.borges at xs4all.nl 
>>>>> <mailto:claudia.borges at xs4all.nl>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello sweethearts,
>>>>> I had started another project long ago, this one about making the camp sustainable.  I would like to share it to see if there is any interest. It is a list of sustainable ideas for the camp. Because it is not clear to me who and how decisions are made, I am not sure if I will pursue this any further or will put this wiki down.
>>>>> https://sha2021.eu/index.php/Main_Page 
>>>>> <https://sha2021.eu/index.php/Main_Page>
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Claudia
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