[mch2021-orga] CfP & PhDs ; -)

Tek Tok chrisha at hacktalk.nl
Fri May 8 12:12:01 CEST 2020

Hi Folk,
The academic session last year was supported by dcypher, the Dutch Cyber Security Platform for Higher Education and Research and one of my customers. Even though they could not understand why almost nobody showed up at 10.00 in the morning, : ), they were very impressed by SHA as a whole and are actively trying to involve the hacker community. Still, their future is uncertain and they will probably not exist anymore at MCH. If they will continue is some other form, I can try to keep them on board. 

Op 08-05-2020 08:10 heeft Orga namens Patrice Riemens <orga-bounces at lists.mch2021.org namens patrice at xs4all.nl> geschreven:

    On 2020-05-07 23:29, Oscar Koeroo wrote:


    > Wild idea:
    > Would a request to universities be fun to do a display or
    > show-and-tell in the form of a science fair? Perhaps even a challenge
    > the science, but not in a tinfoil hat kind of way. ;-)
    > Oscar

    It's a nice idea in itself, but the challenge is that universities - as 
    institutions, as opposed to their members, staff & students - are no 
    longer interested in knowledge per se, but almost exclusively in 
    managing processes, whereby knowledge functions as a never sufficient, 
    and often not even necessary component. This sad reality will of course 
    be vigorously and expertly 'spinned' away (innovation! creativity! 
    pluri-disciplinarity! and, in case you forgot: excellence!) but the 
    challenge remains not at the level of knowledge, but at the level of 
    governance ...

    Good luck all the same. Maybe someone in the orga should contact Peter 
    Pels at Leiden university:


    He's one of the very few people I know who has 'hold the fort' and 
    managed to to maintain a funky knowledge environment for his students. 
    He might have ideas. (I know him from my time at 'Waag' - he ran a 
    workshop on computers and spirituality - 10 yrs ago orso? ;-)

    Ciao Ciao,
    Orga mailing list
    Orga at lists.mch2021.org

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