[mch2021-orga] Orga Mumble Meeting tonight at 20:00!

Arnout Engelen shaorga at bzzt.net
Thu Sep 3 14:54:21 CEST 2020

I wrote up some rough minutes (also at

* At the field day we did a 'low-key' opening of the ticketshop where
you can now buy 'gift cards' - for more information see
https://wiki.mch2021.org/Tickets . News travelled faster than expected
and we have already sold ~600 (and received payment for ~500) gift

* Attilla and Manduca have a visit to Boels planned to discuss renting
all kinds of infrastructure

* The Sponsor booklet is available to be shared with potential
sponsors. Feel free to distribute it. You can find it at

* Team:Power has been making progress with the plans to remove our
reliance on diesel generators. Teams that expect to use a lot of power
(such as the food court and Team:Partytent) are encouraged to share
somewhat detailed plans/wishes with Team:Power soon.

* The power distribution also impacts what is feasible for the layout
of the terrain, so Team:Power and Team:Terrain will discuss this and
Team:Terrain hopes to be able to summarize their (broad-strokes)
findings next mumble meeting.

After the plenary updates/discussion various teams moved to breakout
rooms for further talks in smaller groups.

'See' you next time!


On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 12:59 PM Arnout Engelen <arnout at bzzt.net> wrote:
> Hello Hackers,
> Tonight there will be another Orga meeting at 20:00 (Europe/Amsterdam
> time) on Mumble!
> See https://wiki.ifcat.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Meeting-2020-09-02 for
> information on how to join. You'll also find the minutes of the last
> meeting linked there.
> Kind regards,
> Arnout / Team:Info

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