[mch2021-orga] Wish-we-where-there-merch

Arnout Engelen shaorga at bzzt.net
Sat Aug 14 22:22:12 CEST 2021

Quick reminder: last chance today!



On Mon, Aug 2, 2021, at 12:00, Arnout Engelen wrote:
> Hi all,
> In a parallel world, we would be building up right now. To not let the event-that-wasn’t go by unnoticed, there is a T-shirt! And a hoodie! And, because of its unparalleled popularity with the pre-order, a safari hat. Be quick, though: this is a one-time batch, and we’re putting in our final order at 14-08-2021!
> https://merch.mch2021.org/
> We hope to see you next year at MCH2022!
> Also: if you were an active volunteer for MCH2021, and did not yet get contacted by your teamlead or PL-person for a thank you, please get in touch!

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