[mch2021-orga] MCH2021 cancelled, more information will follow

cmpxchg at xs4all.nl cmpxchg at xs4all.nl
Sat Feb 27 07:23:17 CET 2021

Hi stitch,

I hope some communication on MCH2021 'stopping as a publication platform' for submissions (which have already been requested last year), could be addressed as well in 'the coming weeks'.

The platform/post-event results aspect was very much harmed in OHM2013, but this was very well corrected during SHA2017. Now there is a risk
of no content being emitted during MCH2021.

Perhaps IFCAT can ensure that the legacy of publications of previous events can be preserved, until a real full physical event is realistic again.


> On 02/24/2021 11:16 PM Elger Jonker via Orga <orga at lists.mch2021.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> After careful consideration and with great regret we have to announce that MCH2021 is cancelled. Tickets will be refunded. More information will follow in the next three weeks. Alternatives are being researched; there are many considerations.
> To all orga and all visitors: thank you, thank you, thank you so much for everything you've done. Let's meet each other as soon as possible! Take care, stay safe!
> We'll be in touch!
> On behalf of the projectleiding,
> Stitch
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