[mch2021-orga] Minutes mumble 20210303
Elger Jonker
elger at ifcat.org
Wed Mar 3 21:42:17 CET 2021
More opinions are welcome, send them to projectleiding at lists.ifcat.org.
Here are the minutes:
== Decision made to stop ==
Minutes are discussed:
Question about total running costs:
About 7000 to 10.000 euro lost
Depending ±donations / who wants to donate their ticket
Still about 20k on the bank account
People are asking to help cover costs for MCH.
Idea from badge team: the badge can also be sold for "profit" to cover these costs.
Opinions about online/offline event:
Technically: for speakers getting consistent audio/video is hard or impossible
- "An online event feels like no event, just something online with another logo"
- "I usually go to another physical event, and i think the online variant does not make sense"
- "I guess that most people go for social interaction. Calling an online event MCH event it would detract from value."
- "high profile speakers: nobody could commit"
- "There are some people in the badge team that want to create a mini-online conference - workshops per day etc"
- "A badge-only event could possibly work, the campzone 2020 model"
- "Having something this year gives something work towards"
- "Badge team wants a party"
- "Try to spend time on fun things this year"
Opinions about an event next year:
- "I wonder if we can get enough volunteers"
- "everything from the last year will be done in 2022"
- "we don't want to cancel a second time if there is uncertainty"
- "i only want to do this if there is an all clear, to be in full control"
- "it would help if this could actually happen (covid-wise)"
- "until the point there are physical meetings again, it will be useless"
- "If the road is clear community wise and covid wise people will join"
- "Mostly start ±6 months in advance (if there are people), some teams need a year+ in advance"
Ideas about online / badge event:
- Directly shipped from china
- Productiehuis can and is willing to support
- Getting the badges in the hands of participants in time is not a challenge
- There are some chip shortages which might cause price hikes
- Most parts are secured
Help is offered for wrapping up the event.
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