[mch2021-orga] [mch2022-orga] Furniture budget planning

lumi_chan at c3moebelhaus.de lumi_chan at c3moebelhaus.de
Wed Oct 20 22:48:09 CEST 2021

Dear Teams,


As discussed in our bi-weekly jitsi today, please calculate furniture budget into your preliminary team budget response to Team Finance. Details about the Finance request, can be found in the mail below. 


You will find a list with last year´s furniture prices on the moebelhaus page: https://wiki.mch2022.org/Team:Moebelhaus --> “Funding for Teams”

This hopefully helps you to estimate the costs for your team.


The ordering process for furniture is currently being re-worked. I will update the wiki page as soon as the details are clear.


In case of any questions or additional furniture needs, please let Team moebelhaus know.


Thanks &

Best regards





Team Moebelhaus


Mail/Ticket:  <mailto:mch2022 at c3moebelhaus.de> mch2022 at c3moebelhaus.de

Team page: https://wiki.mch2022.org/Team:Moebelhaus


From: Orga <orga-bounces at lists.mch2021.org> On Behalf Of finance--- via Orga
Sent: 30 September 2021 22:52
To: orga at lists.mch2021.org
Cc: alexander at ifcat.org
Subject: [mch2021-orga] Preliminary budgets for MCH 2022


Dear Orga, Dear Teams,


To “fall with the door in house”, or in proper English, get right to the point: we would like to see your preliminary budgets (NL: begrotingen) by October 31st 2021.


Good budgeting is essential for a healthy and successful MCH2022. For this reason Team Finance would like to receive and discuss every team’s preliminary budget and know who your treasurer/financial contact person is. This way we will also know how much money is needed for each team and where issues could arise. 


In short:

*	Team Finance is here to help you with budgeting. If you have no idea what to do or other questions, please contact us!
*	A budget template to get you started can be found on the Team Finance wiki page (https://wiki.mch2022.org/Team:Finance).
*	Add dates when you expect things needs to be paid and/or will be paid. This important for us have a better insight in the cashflow of MCH.

*	We do not expect perfect budgets at this moment. We want to use the preliminary budgets to get a rough estimate of the expected costs and something concrete to discuss this with teams. 
*	If you have any elements in your budget that involve other teams please discuss this with them as well.
*	Please send your preliminary, draft, ballpark estimate, rudimentary, or otherwise not-final budget to finance at mch2022.org <mailto:finance at mch2022.org>  by October 31st 2021.



Team Finance


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