[mch2022-orga] HAM radio repeater during the event

me at hillebrand.io me at hillebrand.io
Fri Apr 22 11:17:29 CEST 2022

(tldr for non-ham/tech savvy people at the bottom)

Dear readers,

I have been a part of ROC for a while. ROC’s goal is to provide radio communications to orga and other essential parties.

As a consequence, ROC has attracted a few ham radio operators.

I proposed in ROC that it might be useful to set up a ham radio repeater, as there is a lot of overlap between the two.

During the last physical meetup, I also briefly mentioned that we were considering this. This received a lot of positive feedback and support from other people who were also interested in establishing and using this.

I will be requesting this in my own name, likely (registering the station under IFCAT may or may not be possible depending on regulations, still need to double check this)

However, receiving a license from the Agentschap Telecom (AT, Dutch equivalent to BNetzA/Ofcom/etc) costs a good bit of money. The listed price on their site is 212 euros, but I will also receive a bill for 83 euros for ‘supervision’ afterwards. 

I am able to carry these costs, but some support in this regard from potential users is much appreciated. If you want to chip in to help make this happen, please write your name, primary means of contact and the donation amount in the wiki. I do not like holding on to other people’s money for a longer period of time, so I will get back to you using those means when I receive a bill from the AT.

The Wiki page for this project can be found here: https://wiki.mch2022.org/Projects:HAM_Radio_Repeater

Wheeze_NL has already said that he is willing to supply equipment. The repeater will likely (subject to change) have PI2MCH as callsign, operate on analog FM on 70 cm, output frequency in the upper 70cm band, -7.6MHz shift, no CTCSS.

Your help is much appreciated!

Tl;dr: we want to establish a talk channel for licensed ham radio operators attending MCH (or who are in reach of the station), license costs a bit of money, please help if you want to make this happen!

Kind regards,

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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