[mch2021-orga] Next biweekly Orga Jitsi today!

Sebastian Oort bas at knutselaar.net
Wed Jan 12 20:59:38 CET 2022

It was very gezellig and there were a bunch of updates!

=======Minutes copy paste========
Present: 25 people

Best wishes for 2022!

== Team updates ==

=== Projectleiding ===
* 819 tickets sold
* There was a meeting with zeewolde about the permit. The process is the
same and they are willing to review the permit request before it is final.
Ofc covid was discussed and the state is charge of that part (due to
TRSEC/ATE, the alternative event insurance).
* Next friday we're working on promo packs, if you want to help reach out:
tom at mch2022.org
* Tents: tent deployment is being discussed and schedule to align with the

=== Power ===
Due to a mega order/a people shortage the time for a temporary power
connection will take at least 1.5 years instead of the 0.5 years it used to
be. So it's back to the old crappy generators :'(

(greener, batteries?)

=== Badge ===
Prototypes #3 are ordered, with a raspberry pi chip. - First application
working, a gameboy emulator. Slowly getting together a team. We have high
hopes, despite the component shortages.

=== Harbour ===
Going to start, since the safetynet (insurance) is being arranged.
(side note: responsible disclosures from Ministry of Health and Safety get
an MCH2022 ticket, some are handed out)

=== Volunteers ===
Tweeting a lot. Please shout out to your friends!

=== Music ===
Music lead always has a team meet for DIVD wednesday.
No real lead on the party area (should we proceed, or should we just put
the stuff in the Abacus track).
There is a potential lead, the rest will help out. Is music team about

=== Productiehuis ===
* Pcwizz is another core team member. New generation of audio equipment,
that can bounce of specific areas. Greatly reduces audio spillage, you can
basically beam sound.
* Tender RFP's are sent out next week

=== Content ===

2 weeks, 6 days until the CfP ends
We need more submissions! https://cfp.mch2022.org/
Still 35 submissions for MCH2021 which didn't confirm for MCH2022

Busy with the subsidy request to get funding for speakers
123 submissions, 35 not confirmed. Last time we had > 300.

=== Safety (security, fire, first-aid) ===
Teams are in place.
Approaching teams for the gear.
We need contact with team terrain.
If anyone has any requests related to fire / safety; feel free to contact
us so we can help you execute it safely and in the permit.

=== Sponsoring ===
New sponsors: Secura signed as a gold sponsor.

Op wo 12 jan. 2022 om 17:12 schreef Janneke/Rizoom via Orga <
orga at lists.mch2021.org>:

> Hi all,
> The bi-weekly MCH2022 orga Jitsi is today at 20:00 here:
> https://meet.social.mch2022.org/biweekly
> Hope to see you there,
> Janneke/Rizoom
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