[mch2022-orga] Register and create angel shifts and angel types

Oscar Koeroo okoeroo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 01:17:46 CEST 2022


I was just browsing through the Angel system for fun jobs to do and assign
myself into.

Currently i see NOC, POC and VOC types with shifts for NOC to register to
and people assigned to shifts too!

I think it will help the allocations of shifts a lot when there is the
opportunity to plan ahead as much as possible. I was considering running
for trash, bar, herald, various VOC things, but also attend people on the
other side of the bar and talks. I planned a bunch of cool talks in my
calendar app and it does paint a wall of colored coolness in it.

Give the amount of cool stuff to do and people to see, grabbing any
opportunity for angels to be to plan ahead is something to consider dearly.

So, this is a call for the villages and teams to upload their Angel types
and also consider the shifts associated to the activities too.

This will also save core orga and other people from any nervous vibes when
the pool of angels is drying up, while the things to do stays constant.

Happy angeling!


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