[mch2022-orga] Angelsystem FAQ for orga
Sebastian Oort
bas at mch2022.org
Mon Jul 11 01:10:16 CEST 2022
Hi everyone, i’ve had the same few questions/feedback every few hours so here’s a nice FAQ!
=When can i sign up for a shift?=
Well today! A few teams are in the system. Not all though, more will come. We will ping the angels when we’re at 95% done.
=The shifts for my team MUST be 4 hours, can you put it in like i asked, please?=
No they don’t. And you don’t need to explain everything every 4 hours. Angels can train each other. Please make angel-shifts 2 hours. People can double up easily if they really like your team. Make the tasks less complicated. And it enables the angels to enjoy the event as well.
=I need 100 angels, can you give them to me please?=
No you don’t. Angels are a finite resource and they should enjoy camp also. Please be considerate how many angels you need. We will give feedback if we feel you’re overasking
=I need dedicated crew for my team, can you help me?=
No sorry, we can’t.
=Can this member of my team become a shift-coordinator?=
Sorry, no. Shiftcoordinators are organized from heaven. Our shiftcoordinators will do the work for you, and we’re just an email (volunteers@) or phonecall away (dial 7777 for heaven!)
=angel.mch2022.org is too long, are there easier alternatives?=
a.mch2022.org and shithappens.nl both work too. We also got various spelling mistakes pointing in our direction. Don’t ask how we got those.
=Can you tell me how you got those?=
No. We were sworn to secrecy.
=Can you explain again how that whole shift stuff works?=
Sure! *grabs chair, sits down comfortably, pours a drink
Begin by figuring out if your angels need special training. That’s an angel-type.
For instance you can require a driving license, or maybe a special on-site training which you’ll organize. Example: VOC/Productiehuis has several angel-types, where they train people to be a camera operator and whatnot. Counter-example is Bar, where most work is done by generic angels without special training. Turns out a lot of people can pour a decent drink and take money without specialized training.
We also need to know who is your supporter (who can approve the people signing up and how).
So, thats Angel-type. We need: Requirements, supporter, training moments.
Next up is the shift-type. Here you specify the actual work. We’ll also need contact details for this. Example from Infodesk: "Infodesk angels sit at the infodesk and answer the visitor's questions. They answer the phone (Info - 4636). This is a very versatile task as not only standard questions but also specialized questions will come up.”
So that’s a shift-type. We need: a description of the work, please give all the info needed and make it a little bit pleasant/motivating.
Finally we’ll get to shifts. This is it. Are you ready?
For planning shifts we need a lot of info. On which days, at what hours does which shift-type happen at what place with how many needed angels of which angel type? Please plan 2 hour shifts. You don’t need 4. Really, you don’t.
Another example, from the great NOC team: "NOC Datenklo: you take care of plugging network cables in and out at Datenklos. Bring shoes you are comfortable walking longer distances in.” is the shifttype. They start shifts on 22-7 at 10:00 AM and planned 2 hour shifts of 2 generic angels, with the starting point NOC.
So shifts: we need: shifttype, title, room, start/end times/dates, and angel types.
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