[mch2022-orga] Donation question

Florian Overkamp mch2022 at flrn.eu
Tue Jul 12 08:59:13 CEST 2022

Hi mAcfreAk,

thanks for clarifying. Let's see what others say then :-)

On 7/12/22 08:57, mAcfreAk wrote:
> Hi Florian,
> Yes, this is exactly what I’m refering to ;-)
> As there is no mention of computer equipment, I was wondering whether this would be the stuff to bring. AFAI can see, the items will be “sold" there and funding should help Ukraine. However, I wonder if my “older” computers are stuff people would be willing to donate for?
> This is why I asked before bringing this to MCH
> Cheerz

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