[mch2022-orga] Last minute changes to Wozniak field
Sebastian Oort
bas at mch2022.org
Tue Jul 12 14:34:01 CEST 2022
When does this group arrive and depart?
> Op 12 jul. 2022 om 14:13 heeft Elger / Stitch via Orga <orga at lists.mch2022.org> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Orga,
> Some nice/interesting last minute changes. During MCH there will be an additional group of scouts on the south side of Wozniak field. They have some sort of Jubilee and Scoutinglandgoed. On site some signing / placement is needed to make it clear these are separate events.
> The group is a mixed group of all ages. They'll not visit tracks and workshops but will walk over the terrain if needed. MCH won't be too strict up until they are turning up in droves. If you notice this, please let the EMT or PL know.
> You can recognize scouts and their leaders using scouting attire and a wristband. The scouting leaders will receive a bunch of green MCH designed wristbands.
> Regards,
> Elger / Stitch
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