[mch2022-orga] Donation question

Michael Turner mjt at serviceinmotion.co.uk
Mon Jul 18 22:31:35 CEST 2022


I'm doing my final packing and will be sleeping then leaving, and I'm trying to finalise anything I need to print and laminate.  I'd appreciate a really fast response to the questions I've still outstanding urgently.  I've already sent these direct a few times over the past two days.

  * Is there any minimum spec for any of the items?  For example I've a couple of old 10/100 network switches.  Would that be too low spec to donate? What about PCs?  I assuming you won't have a use for a 486DX processor, but where is realistically the minimum?  I just want to avoid an item with no recycle value being donated directly, so giving some level of guidance will help people and make everything operate more efficiently.

  * I can allocate an area with clear signage saying this stuff is being given directly to you.  Perhaps you could check through it during the event a few times and anything that doesn't meet your needs can be moved to the general area for people to buy?  I need contact details for who this would be so I can co-ordinate it.

  * Regarding items donated specifically for the appeal itself, how do you want to arrange shipment of the items away from MCH? I can try to box things up as we go, but I don't have the ability to ship items.  I have to leave Tuesday morning to make my ferry, so I'm really in the hands of others for getting everything cleared up at the end.  I'd appreciate someone I can easily contact to sort these details out.


@Trikkitt on Twitter
Dect when I'm there 3707.

-----Original Message-----
From: Orga <orga-bounces at lists.mch2022.org> On Behalf Of Jeroen van Veen via Orga
Sent: 12 July 2022 08:23
To: Florian Overkamp <mch2022 at flrn.eu>
Cc: orga at lists.mch2022.org
Subject: Re: [mch2022-orga] Donation question


I will have the wiki page for bring and donate ammended to include PC’s and especially network hardware.

Beside financing network splicers and sending them to Ukraine, Keep Ukraine connected collects, wipes config and checks operational state of all kinds of computer and network hardware.

Keep Ukraine Connected has an online inventory for Ukraine ISP’s and they can request the donated HW they are interested in. So they get exactly what they need and we avoid shipping e-waste to them that they cant use.

Anything from PC’s, WIFI, Switches, routers big !!! and small, optics, DWDM etc etc is welcome. If it is unusable its recycled and the proceeds go to buying splicers

Jeroen van veen

> On 12 Jul 2022, at 08:59, Florian Overkamp <mch2022 at flrn.eu> wrote:
> Hi mAcfreAk,
> thanks for clarifying. Let's see what others say then :-)
>> On 7/12/22 08:57, mAcfreAk wrote:
>> Hi Florian,
>> Yes, this is exactly what I’m refering to ;-) As there is no mention 
>> of computer equipment, I was wondering whether this would be the stuff to bring. AFAI can see, the items will be “sold" there and funding should help Ukraine. However, I wonder if my “older” computers are stuff people would be willing to donate for?
>> This is why I asked before bringing this to MCH Cheerz
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