[mch2022-orga] Heatwave measures? (+ Ayran Rx)

patrice at xs4all.nl patrice at xs4all.nl
Tue Jul 19 08:36:39 CEST 2022

 Hola Aloha, 

 I have no idea how weather and temperatures are evolving in NL, but it's unprecedented  heatwave time all over Europe, esp. in the NorthWest. 

 Have particular measures being taken? I remember there was a similar - if may be less - situation at HIP97, and the fire brigade had to come to douse the main ('circus') tent. Also availability of drinking water became just short of a problem. So I'd advise to have plenty of water around for distribution, and advise the participants to keep well-watered at all times! 

 Also, bit late now, I remember that during build-up time I made massive quantities of Ayran in recycled office water-fountain bottles (10L capacity) Ayran is a very refreshing and healthy Turkish  drink made of: 

 1/2 water 
 1/2 yoghurt 
 Add salt - quite liberally - helps sweating & hence circulation. 
 shake well! 
 for creamy-ness add milk if u wish 
 Right mix proportions: go by taste - more or less water/yoghurt/ salt etc. 
 Ayran quenches thirst much better than water! 

 Ciao Ciao & make success! 
 see you on 24th! (my birthday!) 
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