[mch2022-orga] Superspreading

Juerd Waalboer juerd at tnx.nl
Fri Jul 22 17:08:33 CEST 2022


Do you want superspreading of covid-19, because this is how you get a superspreading event.

I wanted to see the opening talk in person, it's one of 2 talks that I don't want to miss at events I work for; I noped out. There's almost no ventilation there. Extra non-entrance openings in the side? Nope, absent. I opened a few tiny holes but people stopped me because it was too light?! I'm mad.

There was even smoke inside so you could *see* that there was barely any ventilation. !@$@$#%#$ people it's been two years, get your !@#@#%#$ act together. You know what to do, now fucking do it.
Met vriendelijke groet, // Kind regards, // Korajn salutojn,

Juerd Waalboer  <juerd at tnx.nl>

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