[mch2022-orga] Letter to future team

Stef Louwers stef at steflouwers.nl
Sat Jul 30 21:26:16 CEST 2022


tldr: write a reflection letter to your future team!

After this amazing event, it is time to reflect. After SHA2017, this 
reflection by Team:Family resulted in a 'Letter to future team family', 
and this letter proved to be very helpful when organizing for MCH2022, 
even though we mostly had the same core team! We plan to do this again 
for next camp, and I would recommend all other teams to do the same!

This letter contained lessons learned, things that went well and thinks 
we would like to do next time. But also announcements we send around, 
the budget and costs, plans we made, wiki pages, etc. For all the 
details and inspiration, read it here: 

Make sure to place this letter somewhere where the next team can find 
it! We used our wiki page and archive.org.


Stef Louwers

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