[mch2022-orga] Transport options of ROC equipment from CCC Berlin

Wheeze_NL ifcat at uberia.nl
Wed Jun 1 13:00:51 CEST 2022


Thank you for thinking out of the box.

We are looking at working together with other teams who need transportation
from the same location.
We are not looking at ride-sharing solutions, the value of our cargo alone
is around 60.000 euros.

Please reply off-list with any options, thank you.


On Wed, Jun 1, 2022, 12:57 Oliver Taubenheim <oliver.taubenheim at posteo.net>

> There are occasionally people who make money with ride sharing. They rent
> a van with 8 seats (like a Transit or Sprinter) to recoupe all of their
> expenses plus some, and they have plenty of space for 8 peoples' luggage.
> If you find a driver like this, the five flight cases shouldn't be a big
> deal, particularly when the boxes can take the weight of other peoples
> luggage on top. The size alone sounds manageable. You could offer to pay
> for for two or three seats.
> Alternatively, you could go this route yourself - rent a Sprinter with 8
> seats, and sell ride shares to people going to MCH as well.
> *Oliver Taubenheim ** a2k design & prototyper*
> * Tel: 4250 6004* * oliver.taubenheim at posteo.net
> <oliver.taubenheim at gmx.net>* * c/o Hermanns, Krogerupgade 3, * *2200
> København*
> * CVR 3886 2448 fb.me/a2kOliverTbm <http://fb.me/a2kOliverTbm> *
> * ------------------------------ *
> On 2022/06/01 12.31, Mark Janssen wrote:
> ~3m² in flight-cases... that won't fit in most cars I guess, so you need a
> van/minitruck or car with a huge boot.
> On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 3:11 PM Wheeze_NL <ifcat at uberia.nl> wrote:
>> Orga-team,
>> we are looking for transport options for the ROC equipment from CCC
>> Berlin to the terrain in Zeewolde.  CCC can only provide the material ready
>> for transportation after the 11th of July.   This consist of 5 flightcases
>> with a total weight of around 250 kg.
>> 4x Flight Case 987x353x372mm
>> 1x Flight Case 55 x 72,5 x 65,5 cm
>> Equipment need to be on the terrain by the 15th of July.
>> (as we need to have the radio equipment during build-up also.)
>> We are looking for UPS but that is rather expensive.
>> Are there any other teams who need to transport equipment from CCC Berlin
>> and have space left to ship these flightcases?
>> Kind Regards,
>> MrLinux
>> ROC team
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> --
> Mark Janssen  --  mark at sig-io.nl
> Unix / Linux Open-Source and Internet Consultant
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