[mch2022-orga] Orga jitsi tonight at 20:00
Sebastian Oort
bas at knutselaar.net
Thu Jun 2 00:30:41 CEST 2022
Hey everyone, we had a very nice informative meeting. Minutes below!
N people joined: ±23
== Projectleiding ==
* Total amount of people that can buy a ticket for MCH will be set soon(tm)
* Permit request and exception on 'bestemmingsplan' are being processed by
the municipality
* Extra tables and chairs have been ordered
* Getting water on the field is a challenge, all companies are booked and
we're working on a backup plan
* Forming an off-site logistics crew, get your transports in:
* Traffic sign placement has been ordered and governmental exception for
placement have been granted
* The 18th is the orga meet at RevSpace, the last one so join for a nice
party! https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Orgameet_June_2022
== Info ==
* Blog posts are going well. Talks have been announced, the 200gbit uplink
post was shared today. Needs moar posts.
== Tickets ==
* 2123 ordered tickets, 2104 paid
* Almost all required hardware for our Cash Registers have arrived
* Blogpost regarding "Cashless Only" has been written and is pending
* Ticket Design Elements have been received, will be prepared for download
== ROC ==
* Working on transport of equipment from CCC Berlin to $somewhere_in_NL
(whatever is convenient and available and financially the best option)
-> ~3 europallets from Berlin to NL in (if i'm not mistaken) the week
before buildup begins, if anyone knows someone, please get in touch
roc at lists.mch2022.org
== On-site Logistics ==
Boels is sort of finalized.
Also forklifts for tentbuilding will be early.
Need people to setup LSD on the14th to be ready for the great deliveries on
the 15th.
Stuff for heaven will be delivered early (15th), so we will have food.
Training for forklifts and boomlifts are planned
Have to source hijskettingen somewhere still and some small stuff like
For the rest ready to go
== Deco ==
Polyfloyd's digest of his activities:
* Worked with brother on crystal lamps, about 7 have been cut and are
somewhere in the glueing process right now.
* Sweatshop last Saturday at Bitlair was a success, most of the work for
the lighting has been completed. The remaining 30-something plugs is work
for 1 person in an afternoon. After fire resistance testing, the scope was
expanded to also add colored film to the lamps for Heaven but I will treat
this as a nice-to-have until other stuff has been completed
* Still looking for someone to take care of the Lenny Face project. Mailed
Willian Kennedy / freakylamps.com but have not heard back
* has rented a workshop space for making the gate
* has wood, paint, fabric, stucloper, sign posts and other shinies acquired
and more coming in
* will be getting a boom lift certificate next week
* has a sneak preview to show
== Volunteering ==
Got about 60 'price tag' signs that hold an A3 size poster up. If you want
some for your team, let me (sebastius) know.
Angel badges / lanyards are done and in:
Water bottles are in:
== Merch ==
Samples are almost in hand.
== Team Content ==
- Voting by (potential) visitors on confirmed talks and workshops started
yesterday. We use the data to optimize the schedule, please vote!
- Creating the schedule will be done in a long weekend: June 10-12
== Team Badge ==
- Production of our PCBs has started
- One chipment (pun) from Raspberry Pi hasn't cleared customs yet which is
threatening to delay the assembly timeline
- All other components (including batteries, hook-and-loop pads & lanyards)
have arrived in NL
- Software development is starting to take shape, however we're still short
in the web development department
-> Halcyon might be able to source some web devs
- An appearance on the CodeKlets podcast will be sometime soon, might help
to find a few more web devs
*Team Content asks to confirm the badge workshop, Pwuts will do*
== Other ==
* EMF Camp is from tomorrow to sunday. They went through absolute hell
getting it done, but they did. Join them online: https://www.emfcamp.org/ and
send them love :)
Op wo 1 jun. 2022 om 18:49 schreef Janneke/Rizoom via Orga <
orga at lists.mch2022.org>:
> There has indeed been a slight change in the schedule. We must have made a
> mistake when first entering all the dates on the wiki. That mistake was
> corrected about 2 weeks ago when we found out, but when correcting it we
> didn’t think about people who might have already imported the meetings into
> their calendars. So we didn’t warn anyone.
> Our apologies for the inconvenience!
> Janneke/Rizoom
> On 1 Jun 2022, at 17:46, Oliver Taubenheim <oliver.taubenheim at posteo.net>
> wrote:
> Then it was a change to the calendar that wasn't announced, I guess. I
> just took a look at the ics-file I downloaded the 5th of May, and it
> differs from the one on the website currently.
> *Oliver Taubenheim ** a2k design & prototyper*
> * Tel: 4250 6004* * oliver.taubenheim at posteo.net
> <oliver.taubenheim at gmx.net>* * c/o Hermanns, Krogerupgade 3, * *2200
> København*
> * CVR 3886 2448 fb.me/a2kOliverTbm <http://fb.me/a2kOliverTbm> *
> * ------------------------------ *
> On 2022/06/01 17.39, me at hillebrand.io wrote:
> I see no such thing, https://wiki.mch2022.org/Meetings and the sidebar
> appears to be correct
> On 1 June 2022 17:35:04 CEST, Oliver Taubenheim
> <oliver.taubenheim at posteo.net> <oliver.taubenheim at posteo.net> wrote:
>> Is this a change to the schedule? The calender on the wiki says 4th and
>> 18th of May, and then 8th and 22nd of June.
>> *Oliver Taubenheim ** a2k design & prototyper*
>> * Tel: 4250 6004* * oliver.taubenheim at posteo.net
>> <oliver.taubenheim at gmx.net>* * c/o Hermanns, Krogerupgade 3, * *2200
>> København*
>> * CVR 3886 2448 fb.me/a2kOliverTbm <http://fb.me/a2kOliverTbm> *
>> * ------------------------------ *
>> On 2022/06/01 17.29, Elger / Stitch via Orga wrote:
>> Hi Orga,
>> Tonight at 20:00 there will be another orga jitsi.
>> The link is still the same: https://meet.social.mch2022.org/biweekly
>> See you there!
>> Regards,
>> Elger / Stitch
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