[mch2022-orga] No low income option on ticketing site

Vesna Manojlovic becha at xs4all.nl
Fri Jun 3 16:25:27 CEST 2022

Hi all,

I have heard many many many people deciding to NOT come to MCH, because 
the ticket price is too high for them this year. I feel sad about that, 
because I will miss their presence and their contribution.

I understand that there are reasons for this price & funding model -- and 
I would love to see more transparency about the costs, expenses, & income: 
both for SHA & for MCH. I think this would help community to understand 
what are they contributing to when they pay the ticket.

Is it possible to publish those numbers?

Additionally, I would love it if there are ways to support those who cna 
not afford to pay the full price:
- youth
- families
- self-employed
- FLOSS contributors
- active volunteers
- refugees

Please consider it.


community, cooperation, commons, squirrels # https://xs4all.nl/~becha
nature, anarchy, utopia, un-anthropocene # https://unciv.nl # @Ms_Multicolor

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