[mch2022-orga] Budget Transparency
Juerd Waalboer
juerd at tnx.nl
Fri Jun 3 17:35:31 CEST 2022
Vesna Manojlovic skribis 2022-06-03 17:21 (+0200):
>if paying 300 is too much for many people in our
>community, Then I would like to know: how can we lower the
It's probably too late for lowering costs; budget decisions have been made.
>Or -- what are the elements of the 1.000.000 costs?
This is an interesting question, and some rough numbers are available from last time: https://wiki.sha2017.org/w/Budget
Obviously MCH is much more expensive than SHA, due to:
- inflation (10% since 2017, not even counting the inflation since Jan. 2022)
- covid19:
- cancelled event
- extra measures (yes, even now)
- uncertainty
- shortages of everything, specifically rental equipment, due to:
- covid19 again
- 3 years of festival backlog compressed into one summer
- war
- extreme increases in fuel costs
- etcetera
>But, if we want to attract *newcomers*, we need to be able
>to explain: why is the ticket for a camping festival with
>pop-stars the same or cheaper
It's not.
>Are we spending money on star speakers?
>Do we need to rent such expensive generators or tents?
>Is this camping space too large for us?
>I don't want to be wondering about this.
Met vriendelijke groet, // Kind regards, // Korajn salutojn,
Juerd Waalboer <juerd at tnx.nl>
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