[mch2022-orga] No low income option on ticketing site

Vesna Manojlovic becha at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 6 22:04:08 CEST 2022

Hi Henry,

that'a very sweet of you, to reply in detail.

On Fri, 3 Jun 2022, Henry (hp197) wrote:

> Thank you for concerning about the less fortunate in our community :)
> We have an active friends ticket request box that is open to everybody.
> The ticket queue is answered by me and as noted in many tickets I handled:
> "I work on a trust base and as long as I don't have a reason to think 
> otherwise you don't have to prove me anything."
> To give you some details about the tickets:
> I have received 50 friend request tickets (not being spam) and currently I 
> have handed 48 friends voucher to visitors.

What does "friends voucher" mean? How much does a discounted ticket cost?

> If there is anything we can improve in the process i'm very happy to listen 
> to it (and its arguments).

I'd like us to document what are the valid reasons for asking for "friend 
ticket" -- WHO do we want to support this way, and why is this "mutual 
aid" and not charity -- why are thsoe cartegories of people valuable to 
us, what can they contribute so that we are willing to offer pickets at 
reduced price...

And how much is it going to cost...

> Though just put cheap(er) tickets in the shop isn't the golden solution here.

> are less likely to understand the difference in ticket prices or that buying 
> the cheapest option would result in somebody else not able to participate.

I understand...

> We have a group of ~1000 die hard community members who dont mind to pay the 
> full amount (or even a little extra).

So how come that there are only 50 people who can not afford the full 

I have personally heard this from at least 10 people, and NONE of 
these have requested "friend ticket" (yet).

> I hope these answers help you to lower your concerns :)

The fact that 2/50 requests were refused is reasuring.

But the fact that only 50 requests are made is not reasuring for me: that 
means that people are reluctant to ask for this :(

I am hoping that we can imrove on this, together.


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