[mch2022-orga] Ham radio repeater: permit received and a quick thanks to supporters :)

me at hillebrand.io me at hillebrand.io
Sat Jun 11 22:59:53 CEST 2022

Hi all,

Today I received a stack of papers from Agentschap Telecom containing the permit for the repeater (PI2MCH) that I will be putting up during the event together with some Team:ROC people.

The permit is in, meaning that we are now able to operate the repeater legally. The details listed on https://wiki.mch2022.org/Projects:HAM_Radio_Repeater are now final.

The paperwork says that I will receive a bill shortly so I will get back to the people who pledged a amount at that time. Please check that you have a email address either in your userpage or on the wikipage itself, some people have listed their primary means of contact as "email", but I am not able to find any email address listed. If you do not wish to list your email address publicly, please reply to this mail.

I will publish the permit and the details in it for transparency's sake over the next week.

Additionally, I would like to thank everybody who is willing to donate to cover the costs, as well as everybody who I talked to personally and over IRC/email for their suggestions. I was initially expecting for a (small) part of the costs to be covered and expecting to pay a part out of my own pocket. 

For this reason, if for whatever reason you can't/don't want to pay the amount you pledged, that is not a problem at all.

Kind regards,
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