[mch2022-orga] Orga jitsi tonight at 20:00 :)
Elger Jonker
elger at ifcat.org
Wed Jun 15 21:04:01 CEST 2022
Hi all,
A lot of info in a short timeframe! Attached and on the wiki are the minutes.
Elger / Stitch
== Minutes ==
N of participants: 23
== Updates from PL ==
* Permit is being granted from the municipality
* Ticket countdown is in effect since the 7th. Started at 630, now 393 remaining. 2800 is the target.
* Fill in your milestone planning: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GZwH9rW1VzBIDnSxF2xphCUioSGShFrc2B--l1ilbUk/edit#gid=1422939157
* Physical orga meeting: https://wiki.mch2022.org/MCH_Orgameet_June_2022 40 signups, room for 10
* Parking is starting to form
* Waste-management is being formulated
* Shuttles will be evaluated if we do this or that there will be a (paid) taxi service. It costs ±10k to run this with 5 vans.
* Water is becoming a problem, plan B might be enacted on.
* The bridge over the dike looks good, permit will be next week. And the renter of that thing asks for some cash.
* Covid rules are being evaluated
* There now is a 'certificate of attendance', see orga list. You can enter your name and it's legit!
* If you watch a series, set your subs to opensubtitles.org :)
== Volunteers ==
* basic rules for getting food are set:
- Buildup/teardown: do work, eat food. Simple rules for hard-work time.
- Do a shift of roughly 3 hrs, get a voucher for a meal
- Dedicated crew get a wristband
- If there is food left over any angel without a voucher can still get a meal, we will not throw food away.
* Working on setting up a nice space in the parking lot to keep the angels on shift there dry and cosy and happy
* Building angel-types and shift types into the angel system. Please e-mail us your stuff asap!
* going to meet with team Terrain saturday for buildup planning
* We need to set rules for children on the field during buildup/teardown.
== Merch ==
First samples are in, quality will be improved. Still waiting on sizing table, will do blog post then. Early samples look amazing though!
== Content ==
* Last weekend 3 day scheduling meeting
* Program live Saturday evening, thx Xesxen for getting it live and boekenwuurm for the styling.
* https://program.mch2022.org/
* -> a nicer view = https://program.mch2022.org/mch2021-2020/schedule/v/StickyNotesFromDenHaag/
* Currently communicating with speakers: re-schedule, approved expenses, Visa, ...
* Some space for workshops, on the three main stages only for an excellent keynote talk
* We have a waiting list in case a speaker withdraws
== Info ==
If you want to have information available in the physical booklet, the deadline for sending it to Team:Info is next Tuesday week (June 21nd).
Provide info now or forever hold your peace ;)
info at lists.mch2022.org
2017 booklet: https://cloud.ifcat.org/s/JFNPd6qK8xgNQEg
== CTF==
On MCH2022 the CTF team will organize a Secret Token challenge. This challenge is both part of the main MCH2022 CTF as well as a stand-alone challenge.
All over MCH2022 there will be Secret Tokens to be found but we need the help from other teams for this
A teaser of the Secret Token site that we made for this challenge can be found here: https://thice.nl/mch/secrettokenteaser.jpg
We hope you want to help with this and get creative in where to place the tokens. Secret Tokens which you have placed somewhere can be submitted using the following form:https://cloud.ifcat.org/apps/forms/RgF6RxrrRBe6XWcx
We will provide more information on the CTF in a blog post in the near future and a second blogpost introducing the Secret Token challenge.
== Others ==
* Looking for people for cohesion team. Contact rizoom at mch2022.org
* What do you need for power? Reply to the mail on the orga list.
> On Jun 15, 2022, at 13:18, Elger Jonker via Orga <orga at lists.mch2022.org> wrote:
> Signed PGP part
> Hi Orga,
> Only 3 to go!
> Link: https://meet.social.mch2022.org/biweekly
> Details:
> https://wiki.mch2022.org/Bi-Weekly_Orga_Jitsi-2022-06-15
> Regards,
> Elger / Stitch
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