[mch2022-orga] MCH2022 physical booklet: call for content

Sebastian Oort bas at knutselaar.net
Wed Jun 22 01:11:32 CEST 2022

Make Camp Happen! (volunteering)

MCH2022 is a community event: made for and by ourselves. Thousands of hours
went into organizing the camp and all of its magic, and as you're reading
this, there is probably a lot more to do!
You are invited to make this camp even better by becoming an angel and help

If you want to volunteer, please register an account at
angel.mch2022.org . Then
visit 'Heaven' and get your Angel badge at the sign-up desk. Presto! You're
ready for your first shift!

We take good care of our volunteers. With a shift done, you earn a voucher
to get a free meal in Heaven. Oh yeah, about Heaven: that's another perk,
when you're an angel, you can chill out in Heaven while waiting for your
next shift, or relaxing after a shift you just did. Not enough? How about a
special edition shirt to show the world you helped out the event in a way
only you could have done! Only our angels will ever get one. This shirt is
earned, not bought.

Volunteering at MCH is the best way to have a look 'behind the scenes' and
meet hundreds of people you normally wouldn't talk to! It's a great way to
really get into the event and our community, while making tons of new

You don’t have to go overboard and work ten hours a day for five days; if
you can spare only some hours during the whole of MCH2022 there is always
something useful to do!
Curious to find out how you can help?
Please head over to the Volunteer Desk in Heaven (On the South Trunk, just
off Backbone Boulevard), or call at DECT(7777). We can also be reached on
IRC: #mch2022-volunteering @ OFTC

Op zo 19 jun. 2022 om 12:30 schreef Elger Jonker <elger.jonker at gmail.com>:

> https://wiki.mch2022.org/DroneFlyingRules
> > On Jun 18, 2022, at 2:28 PM, Arnout Engelen <shaorga at bzzt.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all!
> >
> > TL;DR: if your team has information you want to have available in the
> physical booklet, send it to info at lists.mch2022.org before next Tuesday,
> June 21nd.
> >
> > Our current starting point can be found at
> https://pad.hackalot.nl/MCHbook#. To ensure good coordination and a
> consistent style, please verify the information shared there is still
> accurate for 2022, and email any updates to info at lists.mch2022.org.
> >
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Arnout / Team:Info
> > _______________________________________________
> > Orga mailing list
> > Orga at lists.mch2022.org
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