[mch2022-orga] Children during buildup

Ralph Willekes benadski at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 10:18:47 CEST 2022


Power has to unload some stuff at the avonturenhuis and near the harbor,
will there be young scouts running around on the 15th?
If so, we need to make sure unloading can be done safely and quickly.
There will be a lot of Manitou activity for an hour or so on both locations.


On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 9:06 AM Marjolijn <marj.lijn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Sebastius,
> I think the phrasing is fine, definitely not too blunt. Is the caretaker
> allowed to return to the field after the child is removed? In that case I
> would phrase it as follows: "If you fail to keep a child under
> your responsibility out of harm's way, you will be asked to remove the
> child from the field. It is of course welcome to return from midday day -1
> (20/7)".
> Will the safe area be supervised or do they have to bring their own
> caretaker/parent?
> How are the rules regarding kids during tear down?
> I can add this to the FAQ as soon as I have all the information. If there
> are restrictions for kids during tear down, we can add those to the paper
> booklet as well.
> Thx,
> Marjolijn
> Op ma 20 jun. 2022 om 00:50 schreef Sebastian Oort via Orga <
> orga at lists.mch2022.org>:
>> Hi everyone, another mail with a proposal after a talk with team Onsite
>> logistics (the people who drive the really big machines) and terrain on the
>> subject of when kids are allowed on field.
>> ====
>> Although we love child labour as much as everyones, buildup is quite
>> unsafe for kids. Last time (2017) we had a few scares involving children,
>> which we do not want to repeat. Therefor we came up with the following
>> timeline:
>> Thursday July 14, up to and including Tuesday July 19 (day -2) kids < 12
>> are NOT allowed on field. Kids older than 12 helping out with a
>> parent/caretaker nearby are allowed, but be very aware that the entire
>> field is not a place to explore and play. They MUST wear a high-vis at all
>> times when outside their tent, even during non-working hours. If the child
>> is not helping out, they should be in a designated safe area (to be
>> determined by team Terrain) where Manitous and other heavy equipment will
>> not roam. If a parent/caretaker fails in their task of keeping the child
>> out of harms way, they will be asked to leave the field and come back on
>> day -1 at the earliest.
>> Tuesday 19 we expect the last mayor deliveries (Boels Party stuff, big
>> things with tables and chairs etc) and that requires a lot of Manitou
>> Manouvering from Manduca and his crew.
>> Wednesday 20 - Day -1 should be the first day we allow kids < 12 on the
>> field. This is the day village buildup is probably beginning, but i can’t
>> find the details on their wiki page. This day and the next few days we’ll
>> still be seeing the Manitous graze the fields but hopefully at a slower
>> speed and with guidance from a lookout.
>> ====
>> Please let me know what you think and if this matches your timelines, I’m
>> also looking for feedback on phrasing. I’m maybe too blunt or not blunt
>> enough.
>> Sebastius / Bas
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