[mch2022-orga] Parking will be on Alexander Field

Elger Jonker elger at ifcat.org
Thu Jun 30 19:59:06 CEST 2022

Hi All,

Parking is moved to Alexander field. It will thus not happen at the farmers across the street. This means less distance to the event, no more public road to cross, no renting of bridges and also easier to build infrastructure there! This parking field will also be used by the two events that follow MCH. The "uplink road" will become a (mostly) two way road to the parking field.

It's known this is a late change, so hopefully everyone can adjust their plans to take this into account. The the beginning of the parking field the parking team will reside, so any infra in terms of power, internet, DECT would be very welcome :)

Projectleiding /
Elger / Stitch

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