[mch2022-orga] Tables and chairs for your team / project
ifcat at uberia.nl
Mon May 9 16:42:49 CEST 2022
ROC wil graag 2 tafels en 5 stoelen. Waar ze komen is nog onbekend.
Dit heb ik ergens wel een keer vermeld, maar is niet doorgekomen, dus
Groetjes, Lennart
Op ma 9 mei 2022 om 16:34 schreef Elger / Stitch via Orga <
orga at lists.mch2022.org>:
> Hi Orga,
> Attached is the final check for ordering chairs and tables for our tents.
> I've taken all stuff from the Boels list, and added some estimates for all
> teams that didn't have a record there.
> Please verify if the amount at year team is correct. If it's 'somewhat
> correct' / 'near correct' or good enough, please do not respond. If the
> amount you need to order is WAY off, please let me know.
> We'll order a bit of spare tables as well, so this list is not absolute.
> Regards,
> Elger / Stitch
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