[mch2022-orga] Team Deco sweatshop for lighting, May 28th @ Bitlair

polyfloyd floyd at polyfloyd.net
Tue May 17 19:22:06 CEST 2022

Hey All,

Team Deco needs your help! On May 28th at Bitlair, we will be organizing
a sweatshop to prepare the in-door light fixtures. We start at 14:00 and
intend to end at around 19:00 with some food, courtesy of Team Deco.

We need 10 people to help with:
* Attaching C14 "Eurosnoer" connectors to the lamps
* Cutting dichroic film into strips
* Applying said strips to the lamps

If you would like more details, I have outlined the details of the
process on this Wiki page: https://wiki.mch2022.org/Mood_Lighting
(ctrl+f: sweatshop)

I am also in need of 2 people to help out with making the remainder of
the "Crystal" lamps.

If you are interested in helping out, please let me know via mail or IRC!

- polyfloyd

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